Happy Lunar New Year! I'm wishing you and your family good health and good fortune all year. May we all have compassion for ourselves and others as we navigate life in 2022. To help celebrate the tiger energy coming in this week, I've included a couple of watercolor illustrations of Tiger Pose (Vyaghrasana) in this email. This is a wonderfully stabilizing balancing pose and also an invigorating backbend that moves energy from the pelvis to the chest. Often in my yoga class, we will do the One-Handed Tiger Pose version with a straight leg in the back and an arm extended out in the front to work our minds and bodies asymmetrically. Try Tiger Pose three times on each side. Get into a rhythmic flow- inhaling as you lift your leg (and arm), exhaling as you round inwards. After moving some energy through your body, take a moment in Downward Facing Dog or Child's Pose. Settle into stillness while you absorb and assimilate the echoes of movement from the Tiger Pose.

Photo 10991826 / Chinese New Year © Zhrzh | Dreamstime.com
Illustration 95058624 / Tiger © Benjavisa Ruangvaree | Dreamstime.com
Now that we've had the Solar New Year (Jan 1) and we are in the Lunar New Year welcoming in the Year of the Tiger, it's time to focus on the year ahead.
Setting Intentions Vision Board Workshop Saturday, Feb 12 2-5 PM on Zoom The last two years have shifted many things for many people. If you want to focus on your personal dreams and visions of the future based on who you are now and lay the foundation of who you are becoming in 2022, then please join my Setting Intentions: Vision Board workshop on Saturday, Feb 12. Wake up your creative juices with guided meditation and easeful yoga poses. Journaling prompts will help you to be bold and pull your hidden dreams to the surface. Put all that insight and energy into a colorful Vision Board collage to inspire you and keep you aligned with your goals and intentions over 2022. More info and Register Here
Thanks for reading. Wishing you a wonderful 2022.