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Do you put yourself first? Or last?

When was the last time you prioritized your needs over someone else's? If you're like most people I know, it's been a while. Like, pre-Pandemic a while. And pre- pre-Pandemic a while. We often let our own needs get pushed to the bottom of the list. (Myself included). Do you find yourself starting the week like this- "Okay, this week I'm going to exercise, do yoga, or meditate first thing, make my food, then get the kids ready, and then go to work." Does reality take over like this-

  • You check your phone first thing in the morning and quickly fall into emails that "need" your response

  • Your kids wake up unexpectedly early

  • The garbage truck or car alarm on the street is so loud that it's distracting you from settling into your yoga, exercise, or meditation practice

  • A whole slew of other random events yanks you off your self-care track

  • You notice (a week later) that your own priorities got moved to the bottom of the list, again.

You might tell yourself that tomorrow will be different. Or next week will be different. Or after this next birthday, holiday, the kid starts school, a load of laundry, a grocery run, a pay raise, etc., it will be different. (By the way, there's a link to a 5-minute Movement Break yoga video for you at the bottom of this post). I know you are well-intentioned about your self-care. I don't think you'd be reading this email if you weren't. But perhaps the way you are going about achieving your self-care just isn't effective these days. Over the last year, I've spoken to many busy, working women who have asked specifically for a pre-work yoga class. So here it is. Thursday Rise & Shine from 6:30-7:30 am EST Early-bird yoga, breathing, and centering (maybe before anyone else in your house is awake). 6-week series Thurs Nov 11 & 18 Dec 2, 9, 16 & 23 Classes are on Zoom. Recordings are sent if you miss a class. $120 for the 6-week series You might have to set your alarm for this class, but trust me, starting your day feeling centered, grounded, and empowered will be worth it! Several people have already signed up for the series, and I want to give you a chance to be there, too. We start this Thursday! Email if you have questions and let's chat. Can't wait to hear from you. XO Elyce Are you in? RSVP here. P.S. Please refer a friend, a colleague, or your "work-wife"! Share your love of yoga and help reduce global stress, overwhelming anxiety, and physical tension. Plus, having accountability with your friend might be helpful for you some mornings. Extra Bonus: When they register, you will receive 10% off your next class series. The Button will bring you to a Movement Break to get some energy flowing in your back, sides, and shoulders. It's only 5-minutes. I know you have 5-minutes for yourself, because you are amazing, and you prioritize your physical and mental health!

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